Below are steps on how to convert PAGES file produced by Apple Pages to Microsoft Word DOCX Format. You will need to have an iCloud account set up in order for below instructions to work. Below instructions will work both on Windows and Mac OS.
Open internet browser and navigate to
Login to your account and select iCloud Drive for a list of available iCloud applications.
In iCloud Drive navigate to a folder where you want to upload your PAGES file.
Select “Upload” icon from a list above and choose your PAGES file.
When your file is uploaded you will see it as a “pages” icon in iCloud Drive.
Click on your uploaded Pages document.
Online Apple Pages application will open with your PAGES file opened inside it.
Click on a “View Pages tools” button. In a menu select “Download a Copy…”
In a “Choose Format” dialog select file format you want to export to. If you want to export to Microsoft Word format, select “Word”.
Download of your file in Microsoft Word DOCX format will start.